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By Condition > Tonic Formulas
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By Condition > Seasonal Nasal
Compare Nasal & Phlegm Formulas in our articles section!
By Condition > Digestive Support
Use the Category navigation to filter the Digestive Support category by TCM Action.Check out our Dig...
By Condition > Women's Formulas
We've identified formulas that are most often prescribed for Women and added them to this c...
By Condition > Men's Health
We've identified formulas that are most often prescribed for Men and added them to this categor...
By Condition > Fertility Formulas
Use the Category navigation to filter the Fertility Formulas category by TCM Action.
By Condition > Joint Health
Use the Category navigation to filter by TCM Action.Check out our Wind Damp Bi Formulas chart to qui...
TCM Actions > Release the Exterior
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TCM Approaches for Elderly Men's Health
This article touches on two major health issues that arise with men as they age: cardiovascular disease and erectile dysfunction. Etiology and how traditional Chinese medicine can support these cond...
Finding the Right Ginseng
Ginseng is arguably one of the most well-known Chinese medicinal herbs, yet the word is casually used to refer to many different herbs, some with slight variations and others with completely different...
AHP's Response to Recent Criticism of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Nature
Two recent articles in Nature presented critical views of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that are worthy of commentary. The articles focused on 4 primary presumptions: Safety of TCM; Need for TC...
What We Can Learn from East Asian Clinics: Specialization
In China, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea traditional medicine is 99.9% herbs. In fact, you could walk around a random Chinese city all day and not find a single acupuncture clinic, but pass plenty of herba...
Grow your Acupuncture Practice With Writing
Is there something about traditional Chinese medicine that’s sparked your interest lately, or that you’ve become passionate about over the years? Writing about it could do a lot more than you might ...
Mayway, the FDA, Product Claims and Social Media
Due to FDA regulations, Mayway is sometimes required to not allow particular social media posts to appear on certain social media, like Facebook, or to not acknowledge or respond to some posts on oth...
The Yin and Yang of Cancer and Climate Change
Almost all of what we hear about cancer comes from our usual western perspective. Things like how smoking can increase the likelihood of developing the condition and how eating vegetables can reduce t...
Helping Children with Autism, a Chinese Medical Perspective
Lola Burmeister, L.Ac. discusses Autism Spectrum Disorder from a Chinese medicine perspective. Her detailed analysis discusses TCM formulas and treatments that vary based on the defining symptoms a...
Astragalus and Immunity
There are over 100 scientific studies on astragalus’ effect on immune function. Actually, if we include studies on cancer and other diseases that are governed by immune function, the amount is over 30...
Chinese Medicine Treatment of Rhinitis
Rhinitis, whether seasonal or perennial, is usually an allergic condition. In TCM terms we relate this concept to deficiency of wei qi. The wei (or protective) qi has its basis in Kidney yang and is d...
Gan Mao Ling & Yin Chiao/Qiao – What’s the Difference?
Many practitioners wonder what the differences are between these two very popular formulas to prevent and treat common wind-heat invasion. One main difference is that Yin Qiao is exclusively for wind-...
Coronavirus: CE Course Modern Research from Traditional Chinese Medicine
In this 2 hour continuing education distant learning course taught by Michael McCulloch, L.Ac., MPH, PhD Epidemiologist, we will review modern Traditional Chinese Medicine cold and flu research, herbs...
History & Evolution of Liu Wei Di Huang Tang
March is National Kidney Awareness Month, and while "kidney" means more than the physiological kidneys in TCM, we want to spotlight one of the most essential and popular kidney formulas in t...
Herbalist Corner: Suan Zao Ren & Bai Zi Ren
Mark Frost, Herbal Chair at American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ACTCM) joins Mayway to highlight 2 important herbs in the Calm Spirit Category. Suan Zao Ren and Bai Zi Ren are discussed ...
The Great Harmonizing Prescription: Xiao Chai Hu Tang
Harmonizing is one of the eight treatment methods used in traditional Chinese medicine. In the contemporary practice of TCM, harmonizing prescriptions fall into four sub-categories: Shao Yang disord...
Herbalist Corner: Sang Ye & Ju Hua
Mark Frost, Herbal Chair at American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ACTCM) joins Mayway to highlight 2 important herbs in the Cool & Spicy Category. Sang Ye and Ju Hua are discussed incl...
Master Tung's Magic Points & Cupping in the Aftermath of the Coronavirus
Many acupuncturists are gradually reopening their practices. At the same time, a second wave of COVID-19 is sweeping through the country as people are becoming impatient with sanitation protocols and ...
Essential Travel Formulas
No matter your type or time of travel, the family First-Aid kit is an essential item. Though the standard First-aid kit contains the usual emergency care items, traditional Chinese medicine has it...
Calm Spirit Soup Recipe
The TCM concept of “form complementing form, organ complementing organ” (yi xing bu xing, yi zang bu zang 以形補形、以臟補臟 ) is well known throughout Asian culture and cooking. For example, eating walnuts ...
Ci Wu Jia for Vitality and Recovery
Mark Frost discusses Ci Wu Jia, also known as Eleuthero and “Siberian Ginseng.” Ci wu jia is classified as a Qi tonic. Its nature is spicy, slightly bitter, and warm, entering the Spleen, Heart and ...
Recovery Formulas for “Lingering Evil Qi”
Skye Sturgeon, L.Ac. explores strategies that are designed for the restoration of healthy functioning from Fú xié after a patient has tested seronegative for SARS Cov-2. These patients no longer s...
Black Chicken Soup for Pregnancy
We're sharing a delicious and time-honored family recipe. It contains nutrients derived from pork and black chicken, as well as tonifying herbs to promote a woman’s optimal health during pregna...
A Comfortable Menopause
As some women experience minimal or no perimenopausal discomfort, what causes the symptoms that can be so debilitating to others? According to TCM, the main causes for discomfort all the way from pe...
Huang Jing and Quail Soup Recipe
We combine Huang Jing with its moderate tonifying properties with Quail, Dang Shen, and Huang Qi to form a delicious soup. This is an excellent recipe for those recovering from a long illness or a p...
Huang Jing and Pigeon Soup Recipe
The meat in this recipe specifically calls for mature Pigeon (1+years old as opposed to squab). According to the Ben Cao Gang Mu《本草纲目》 (Compendium of Materia Medica), “meat can replenish the five ...
Prepared Formulas as Practical Alternatives
Although cooked water-based extractions (decoctions: 湯 tāng) are widely taught in TCM schools and commonly used in the administration of traditional Chinese herbal medicine, many TCM herbalists in t...
Tyger Tyger, Not So Burning Bright
2022 is the Year of the Tiger, and an update on the preservation of this magnificent animal seems fitting. Yvonne Lau, President of Mayway, discusses the current status of tiger conservation with ...
TCM Heat and Inflammation
Latent heat (潜热 qiánrè) as a Chinese medicine concept has ancient origins dating to the Huangdi Nei Jing and the Shang Han Lun, first appearing in Chapters 3 and 5 of the Su Wen. It was used to expl...
Safety Concerns of Talc
We have an ongoing commitment to FDA (Food and Drug Administration) compliance and transparency, especially regarding disclosures and the labeling of our products. This is why talc appears on the ...
Triple Threat Formulas
Compare 26 formulas selected to address a Triple Threat winter season. This chart shows functions, indications, and tongue/pulse for formulas addressing Wind-Cold, Wind-Heat, Interior Heat, In...
A Brief History of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine in America
Chinese medicine has a long history in the US, even before the Chinese ever set foot in America. During America’s colonial period, Chinese tea, and herbs such as rhubarb, cinnamon, cardamon, an...
Dui Yao: Dang gui + Huang qi & Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang
There are many ways to increase your knowledge of Chinese herbal medicine, one of which is to learn about paired relationships between single herbs, called Duì Yào. These pairings can be very ...
Purple Patch Wind, Zi Dian Feng: Lichen Planus Case Study
One percent of the world suffers from a skin disease that has been recognized and treated by Chinese medicine (CM) for roughly 1000 Years. These patients lose their sleep and ability to concentr...
Dui Yao in an Ancient Brain Formula
Two herbs that complement one another (Dui Yao) are discussed: Ren Shen (Panax Ginseng) and Da Huang (Rhubarb) and how the two herbs work together in the popular formula Chái Hú Jiā Lóng Gŭ Mù Lì Tā...
Heart Health Formulas Comparison
These 16 formulas offer a variety of TCM approaches to supporting healthy heart function. Learn how to use each formula sorted with pin yin name, alternate name, functions, indications, typical to...
Heart Healthy Fish with Hong Hua and Hei Mu Er
This delicious fish recipe with safflower (Hong hua) and black fungus (Hei mu er) supports healthy blood circulation, warms the body, and tonifies the Qi. It features grouper, which is rich in a wea...
Hair Loss and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Throughout all cultures, abundant hair has been seen as a sign of radiant health, as well as fertility and virility. This is also true in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), as the quantity and qual...
Eczema, Atopic Dermatitis & Topical Steroid Withdrawal (Part 1)
Eczema is a broad term used to describe numerous related but different conditions involving redness, inflammation, itching of the skin, possibly scaling and occasionally the presence of vesicles...
Chinese Herb-Drug Interactions
Many are using traditional Chinese herbal medicine alongside prescription COVID-19 drugs. But can these therapies mix safely? In this article, Dr. Skye Sturgeon explores potential interactions betwe...
Osteoporosis and TCM
More than 200 million people worldwide suffer from osteoporosis - a skeletal disorder characterized as loss of bone mass. Learn how traditional Chinese medicine can support this condition along with...
Bisexual and Pansexual Health inclusivity
Do no harm is a good rule of thumb for all practitioners. You can improve communication with patients while trying to help rather than harm them. No matter what chief complaint your patient has, s...
A Clinical and Philosophical Exploration of Jing 精
Jīng 精 is said to be the vital essence that sustains both physical and mental energy, forming the core of our constitutional health. According to the CM system, Jing is housed in the Kidneys, an...
Yin Chen Hao: An Herb Story
Yin Chen Hao, Artemisia capillaris, got its name in China. Its common name is capillary wormwood. Yin Chen Hao belongs to the herb category, 'herbs that drain dampness', and it is used pri...